Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Ice cream in a desert dream...

When I saw the images of Vivienne Westwood's fall 2010 rtw show, the first thing that went through my mind was: Cocorosie. The clothes were all a bit messy and thrown together, the models wore moustaches and the whole thing breathed some kind of dark vagabond mood. You can apply this description also to Cocorosie, the band formed by two extremely cool sisters, Bianca and Sierra. Look at these pictures and be inspired.

Runway pics from Style.com
And may I add that I think Vivienne Westwood is one of the most inspiring women in fashion? I mean, look at her hair! It's orange!
If you're curious about Cocorosie's music, check out this video for their song 'Lemonade'. Is it just me, or does Lady Gaga suddenly seem perfectly normal?

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